08 March 2006

Trade Fair, Classes, Nice Presentation

Here’s a really quick update from me, since I really should be going to bed.
Yesterday I worked and after work we went to a trade fair about digital photography. I always like walking around at these fairs and seeing what the companies have to offer. I don’t have any authority to buy anything, but I like looking around.
This morning I had my usual Pilates class again. I was a bit stiff after not training last week, but it was nice to be there again. This afternoon I stayed at home and I did all my homework for tonight. Well, not all of it, but I was sufficiently prepared for tonight. I also did a lot of the laundry since we were not at home last weekend.
Tonight I had my classes. They were not as bad as last week. My classmate had to do her presentation, actually two of my classmates, but one of them is already a teacher, although not of English, but of another subject. She really did a great job, which is to be expected of a teacher of course, but it was really nice to listen to. Now I’m off to jump in my bed…


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