Last week

It’s already quite late here and I should have been in bed already, but I’ll still give you a small update.
Friday night I went to the youth group again. It wasn’t as spectacular as the previous nights, but I still really enjoyed it. We had a Catechesis lesson about many subjects. I can’t really summarize it, but I did make notes so I can read through it again. I was really tired Friday. I was happy to have attended, but I was also happy to be at home again.
I should have gone to Pilates the next morning, on Saturday morning, but I didn’t. I was really tired and in a way it was only an extra lesson, so I turned my alarm off and I went back to sleep. I feel a bit bad about it, especially since I do have to go to the Pilates class on Tuesday, but I’ll get through it. It felt like the right decision at that moment, and that’s important. Martijn and I went to the city on Saturday afternoon and I bought a new mouse. It’s a new laser mouse and it’s ergonomically shaped. I really like it. I also bought a USB stick, 512 MB for € 11,11.
And for the unprepared class on Thursday, nothing too special happened. A lot of people hadn’t prepared it, because they didn’t know they should have downloaded a file. We’ll discuss the vocabulary this week. That’s fine with me.
This morning I overslept. I woke up at 10 am, exactly when the mass begins. I was really angry with myself. I got up and watched mass on TV, but that isn’t anything near actually being in church. I did some homework the rest of the day and I played some Guild Wars. I’m actually the leader of the guild now. I don’t really know what to do with that. I want to set up a website for the guild, probably just a blogspot website, but I don’t know when I’ll have the time to do it. On the picture it's me together with Xo, the actual leader of the guild. I’ll have to work tomorrow and on Tuesday I have Pilates and I have the meeting with the Brother.
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