New Internet, New Hair

Well, it’s Wednesday and here’s an update from me late at night. Yes, I do have Internet again! The connection isn’t yet as quick as I hoped, but that might have to do with the people we download from as well. I mean, if the maximum download speed is 2 mbit and my connection is 15 mbit, that doesn’t do any good. We’ll see what happens and how it turns out.
It’s really late already and I should’ve been in bed by now. I also should have done some studying and studied the vocabulary I needed to learn for tomorrow. Connecting the Internet was more important to me tonight. I did get the connection working all by myself. I’m a bit proud of that. I only didn’t connect the phone line correctly, because I didn’t know how to do that. But Martijn fixed it and now all works all right.
Yesterday I’ve been to the hair dresser, and in stead of being blond, I’m now a brunette. I’m really happy with the result. I had in mind that I wanted it a bit darker than the light blond colour that I had, but when my hair dresser suggested to colour it dark brown, I was OK with that as well. I really like the way it looks.
Well, tomorrow there’s work and after that an unprepared class. Looking forward to it already.
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