11 January 2006

Study, Exam, Pilates

Today I went over to my classmate’s house and we studied together, and I’m pretty satisfied with what I have accomplished. I set out to study the basics for my exam of tomorrow, and I did just that. And that’s pretty astonishing, since I usually don’t do what I intend to do. I studied for about 3 hours, and that’s more than what I would have done at home. I don’t think I have studied enough to get a good grade at my exam; it really depends on the questions I’ll get. I now know the basics of vowel- and consonant description and I hope that’ll gain me a lot of points, and I’ll have to do a phonetic transcription. I can do that, I only make a lot of mistakes, but I don’t think I’m a lot worse than the rest of my class. But we’ll see that tomorrow.
I did go to Pilates this morning after a two week break because of Christmas and stuff. It was very hard. We now have mirrors in the room, and I didn’t really like that, I’m constantly confronted with how fat I have become. I am glad I went though, finally used all my muscles again, and it’ll become easier next week or the week after.
Tomorrow I’ll have to work and take my exam. I hope all will go well.


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