06 April 2006

New Job Applications, Bad Day Today, Bad Classes Tomorrow

Well, the job application cycle is starting over again. I just mailed 3 job applications, to 3 different companies of course, but all for the same kind of function: assistant store manager. I’m just gonna see what it’s gonna turn up with. I don’t lose anything with it by applying to these jobs, just some time perhaps when they invite me for an interview. I’m curious to see what’s going to happen, if anything is going to happen at all.
Today I didn’t have a really great day. I was very tired all day long and I just didn’t feel too good. I was also very cold and I even took a painkiller at a certain point. I should go to bed early, but looking at the clock, I guess that’s not going to happen today. But if all goes well, then tomorrow will be the last day of work of this week. I’m looking forward to the weekend, just being at home and doing my homework. I hope to finish some at last, since I didn’t do that much last week.
Tomorrow evening I have to go to class. I’m not really looking forward to it. I still haven’t read the book; I just finished part IV today. I also have to hand in an outline for my essay on Clarissa. I just made something up. It doesn’t make any sense, but I have to turn in something, and I guess I’ll just change it later this week or so. I have one more e-mail to write, and then I’m going to bed.


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