Today, Tomorrow Pilates, Priest, Dinner

Today is my grandmother’s birthday. I sent her a card with 2 sunflowers on it. I thought that was kind of cheerful.
Today I worked with my colleague at work instead of with my boss. It was a bit of a relief. It wasn’t too busy. I don’t expect that much work this week. Most of the people have gone on vacation earlier and it’s too early to buy Christmas and Sinterklaas gifts yet. We did make a lot of passport pictures today.
I do have some real news. I have an appointment with the priest of my church tomorrow. I sent him an e-mail regarding my preparation for the Eucharist and Confirmation. We talked over the phone this morning. He invited me to come to the Confirmation preparation on Saturday. After this preparation, the bishop himself will probably administer the Confirmation to the people in November. I really like that idea. I’ll just see what the meeting will be about tomorrow. I need to ascertain that there is no case of any Neo-Catechumenal influences in this course and otherwise I’m fine with it.
Tomorrow I have Pilates class, I have the meeting with my priest, I need to do some homework and I’m going out for dinner with my father in law, his partner, my sister in law and Martijn.
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