06 December 2005

Application Letter, Vocab and Essay results, Pilates with ball

Today I finally did it, I posted my application letter. Actually, I let my boyfriend post it for me. And afterwards I heard that my boss is OK, but he needs to be treated for 2 months next year. I feel a bit awkward about this, because if everything works out really well, I might be away before that time, which leaves them with a problem. But now that I’ve posted the letter, there’s no way back.
I got back my essay about the American Tertiary Educational System and my vocab quiz of last week, and for both of them I have a 5.5 out of 10, which is merely sufficient, but I’m happy with it. I didn’t expect more for the vocab quiz and I knew the essay was pretty awful, so I’m glad. Today’s vocab quiz went pretty well. I knew almost all the answers, so it’ll be an 8 or 9 out of 10 I hope. I studied for it pretty hard all afternoon, with Icewatcher’s help.
This morning I went to Pilates and we got to practice with the ball, which was pretty cool. I was anxious about it, but it was fun. It was a big ball with a diameter of 65 cm made of rubber and we had to do our floor exercises with the ball. We had to lie over it or put our legs and feet upon it. I really enjoyed it, and I didn’t think I would.


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