Last Lecture, Machine, Camping

Today was my last lecture of this semester, and probably the last lecture by this teacher. The lecture was about ‘The Vicar of Wakefield’ which I had read completely, so I enjoyed this class because I could follow what they were talking about. The teacher also showed some example exam. That looked pretty hard, as I had expected.
Yesterday at work our printing machine broke down. Apparently the hard disk crashed and couldn’t function properly anymore. The mechanic fixed it today, so we could get back to printing at about 1 o’clock, but then I had to print everything that couldn’t be printed yesterday and I was very busy. I printed all that I had to in time, so that was good.
Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I’m going to camp and pretend to know everything of First Aid. At the moment I’m not as nervous as I have been, but I’m not relaxed either. My boyfriend and I packed my bag together. I think I have everything, except for the last things that need to be added tomorrow. I’m very curious what it’ll be like and what’ll happen this weekend. I am going to make my 12 of 12, but I won’t be able to post them until Sunday or Monday. (If you don’t know what 12 of 12 is, please check my post on the 12th or 13th of April). Please think of me and I’ll let you know how it was.
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