Lots of Achievements Weekend

This has been a really productive weekend for me even though I had to work last Friday and so missed one day of the weekend. Yesterday I finished all the grammar exercises I had to do for this week and a read many pages in Bleak House. Today I actually finished it. I’m really glad to have finished it, because I was afraid it was never going to happen :) I really enjoyed reading the book. It’s written by Charles Dickens. I can’t really say what the story is about, you’ll have to google around for it, but it’s really great. He has so many characters, and each of them is totally different from the other. The book has almost 1000 pages, so it took me a couple of weeks to get through it, but I finished it today!
I also made a presentation for the Language Acquisition course. I had to pretend to give a presentation to the sixth form of my former secondary school about the pronunciation of the ‘th’ sound. I made a Powerpoint presentation of it and I also finished that assignment. I burned it on a CD and I will hand it in on Tuesday.
Tonight I sent an application letter to a company. It’s a small, relatively new company who deals in gadgets, small appliances which cost a lot of money and really have no use. They are looking for someone at the office to do some customer-service work and to do other administrative work. Tonight I sent them my application letter including my cv and passport picture via e-mail, so I hope they will respond quickly. Their office is very close to my house, so that would be really cool.
And after that I played some Guild Wars and I had my first character ascended! I was so thrilled about it. It was a bit of an anticlimax after that, because I wanted to do the next mission, but I couldn’t find anyone to do it with me. And then I wanted to do it alone, and then I had a fight, nothing serious, with my boyfriend and I just quit.
And tomorrow I gotta work, as always, and I’ll talk to you soon.
Nice to hear from you again :-)
Now I wonder what "gadgets, small appliances which cost a lot of money and really have no use" are :P
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Check out: http://www.megagadgets.nl
The site is in Dutch, but you can at least take a look at the appliances. :)
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